what this is all about
Animality Defined
so what am I talking about anyway?
I Live in Fear
appreciate what you have
One Paw in the Galaxies
archetypes versus the "real" thing
Out Of Housecat Mode
letting loose, and alone
The Thwack
noticing it for the first time
"Know Thyself, Know Thy Animal"
why personal animalness can't be ignored
Leopard Is
the personality of panthera pardus as I experience it
The Ecstatic Name
why words don't have to matter
Memories of Palm
Emily Dickinson on cats in cages
One for Sorrow
crow and shift and me
I Know I'm a Cat
felinity and the self
Why We're Big, Scary Animals
it's not delusions of grandeur
In a Lawn Chair on the Fourth of July
perception of fireworks
Blurry Notability
animal identity's "importance" in a human world
what it feels like with friends
Cat: Concrete
it isn't a daydream; it's reality, and it feels that way
On Human Universals
feline experience filtered through a primate's body